
We are committed to creating an accessible online environment for all visitors to this website. If you have any questions or comments regarding the accessibility of our website, please contact us.

Accessibility Features

Our web site makes use of industry-standard techniques to provide web site accessibility for our users. These include:

  1. We have included an accessibility tools menu bar on the top left of the screenallowing you to toggle font size, grayscale, high contrast, negative contrast, light background, underlined links. We have made sure that our contact information is one click away at all times.
  2. Any and all information conveyed with colour is still readable if a user is unable to distinguish colour.
  3. Any image used on our web site will contain a textual description that will be read out loud within your screen reader.
  4. All font-sizes found on our web site use relative units of measurement. This makes scaling the font-size of our web site easier and more consistent.
  5. Cascading Style Sheets (or CSS) have been used to control the look and feel of our web site. If your browser is unable to use style sheets, the information within our site will still be accessible to the user.
  6. To navigate this website, press the 'Tab' key on your keyboard. You may cycle backwards through the navigation menus by pressing both the 'Shift' and 'Tab' keys together.

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