Smithville Master Community Plan
Community engagement is an opportunity to conduct meaningful dialogue about the growth of the Township and build awareness and excitement of the MCP. Input from the community and interested stakeholders also provides the project team with vital insight which will allow for the development of a MCP that reflects the community’s needs.
Community and stakeholder engagement is ongoing at strategic points along the project schedule, and includes:
- Public Information Centres (PICs) (in-person/ virtual) - to provide information about the project to the community. PICs also facilitate dialogue between the Township, consultant team and members of the public. These events are important milestones to seek community feedback to improve our work. There are a total of four PICs being held throughout the duration of this study.
- – this virtual engagement platform with project information and the opportunity to provide feedback on various aspects of the project.
- Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) workshops with stakeholders such as Niagara Region Public Works and Planning, NPCA, and landowner group representatives – held at strategic points in the project timeline to review and comment on technical work prior to supporting decisions and presentation to the public.
- Other meetings held with stakeholders, including the school boards, Municipal of Ministry Affairs and Housing and Hydro One to provide an opportunity early in the planning process to comment on how land uses are conceptually integrated into the MCP.
A Public Information Centre and formal Public Meeting of Council was held on April 27, 2022. The Preferred Concept Plan and monitoring, management, and implementation recommendations were presented. To watch the full presentation, the video is available below via the Township of West Lincoln. The presentation materials are also available here for your review.
The previous (Stage 3) community and stakeholder engagement sought input on the Preferred Concept Plan, key policy directions and draft Official Plan Amendment No. 62.
Engagement going forward will seek input on the Final MCP and a separate draft Official Plan Amendment (OPA No. 63) to implement the policies, land use designations and infrastructure, transportation and natural heritage system policies and mapping for the Smithville urban expansion area.
To learn more about the previous community and stakeholder engagement and what we heard from the community, please scroll down.
What we’ve heard so far – Visioning PIC
A visioning PIC was held in January 2020. Approximately 110 community members participated in discussions about Smithville today and how it should grow into the future.
Here’s what we heard during the session:
What we’ve heard so far – PIC #1
A virtual PIC with online survey was held in February 2021. Approximately 103 community members participated in discussions about the purpose and scope of the Study, existing and future study area conditions, and the preliminary land use concept options.
Here’s what we heard during the session:
What does complete community mean for Smithville?
Key themes from the feedback received indicate an interest in:
- Maintaining the small-town character
- Balanced growth – housing, services, employment, greenspace/recreation
- Maintaining separation between industry (direct north and east) and residential
Feedback on the draft Concept Plans indicated a greater preference for Concept Plan 1 over Concept Plan 2.
What we’ve heard so far – PIC #2
A virtual PIC with a Question & Answer session was held in October 2021. Approximately 55 community members participated in discussions about the Preliminary Preferred Concept Plan, Preliminary Impact Assessment results, integration with Smithville MCP and Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, and next steps for the Project. An online questionnaire was also made available and 17 completed questionnaires were received.
Here’s what we heard during the session:
Key themes from the feedback on the Preliminary Preferred Concept Plan presented at PIC #2 include:
- General support for reserving the north-west area along Young Street for continued agricultural use and potential agriculture-related uses with the hydro corridor as the northerly limit of residential growth, as shown on the plan;
- Support for keeping employment / industrial land use to the north-east and maintaining separation between industry and housing;
- Improving connectivity and safety for pedestrians and cyclists through complete streets design and a linked trails system;
- Maintaining the small town feel of Smithville while also accommodating a range of housing options and a mix of densities to use the land efficiently, create walkable neighbourhoods and preserve farm land;
- Support for new and improved community facilities, parks and open space as well as commercial/mixed use areas;
- Support for improvements in Downtown Smithville such as:
- Accessibility and safety
- Pedestrian and cycling friendly
- Reduced heavy truck traffic (by establishing an alternative truck route/by-pass)
- Newer/improved buildings
- More stores, services and/or restaurants, offices and jobs
- More residential buildings/apartments
- More/improved parking
Provide Feedback
We want to know what you think about the Smithville Master Community Plan!
To provide feedback on the MCP, including the draft Preferred Concept Plan, key policy directions and draft Official Plan Amendment No. 62 and 63, please click the link below.
Next Steps
The MCP Project has recently completed Phase 3 of its timeline, following the completion of the Preferred Concept Plan and the Monitoring, Management and Implementation Recommendations in consultation with review agencies, stakeholders and the public.
To learn more about what’s coming up for the Project and how you can be a part of the ongoing consultation, please click the link below.